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HOA / Monthly

As of 09-01-2024, it was approved by the Board at the

meeting on 08/29/2024 (2024 budget readjustment).

UNITS Model A1 Bedroom / 1 Bath.......................... $467.60

UNITS Model B1 Bedroom / 2 Bath.......................... $501.20

UNITS Model C2 Bedroom / 2 Bathroom................. $688.24

UNITS Model D - De Luxe2Beroom / 2 bath Deluxe $708.96

UNITS Model C1 - PHPenthouse............................. $708.96


Late Payment of HOA

Monthly maintenance fees are due on the first day of each month and are considered late if not received by the 5th of the respective month. If the Association does not receive a homeowner's monthly maintenance fee by the 5th of that month, there will be an additional charge of $25 for each monthly period.


Special Assessment

There is not.


Escrow deposit fee

A single deposit equivalent to 6 months of HOA

Escrow deposit - Unit "A" Model 6 Month escrow deposit fee

Unit "A" Model($467.60x6).................................... $2,805.60

Escrow deposit - Unit "B" Model 6 Month escrow deposit fee

Unit "B" Model (501.20 x 6) ...................................$3,007.20

Escrow deposit - Unit "C" Model 6 Month escrow deposit fee

Unit "C" Model (688.24 x 6) ................................. $4,009.44

Escrow deposit - Unit "D" Model 6 Month escrow deposit fee

Unit "D" Model (708.96 x 6) ................................. $4,253.76

Escrow deposit - Unit "C1-PH" Model 6 Month escrow deposit fee, Unit "C1-PH" Model (708.96 x 6) ..... $4,253.76

Admission to the Condominium


Application fee .................... $150

Processing fee .................... $400

Condo Questionarie ............ $150


CONDO Docs/By-Laws ....... $150

Other Expenses

Rental Security Deposit Fee/Damage Fee (Return) ... $400


Estoppel fee ................................................................ $200


Inspeccion Fee ............................................................$100


Vehicle's Decal


Replacement decals (initial registration decal provided

in the year at no cost, only one vehicle) ....................... $10


Deposit Contractor(Return) ........................................ $500

Access Keys to: 

Card Entry to Building ............... $25


Laundry Card .............................. $15

​                      Wash Cycle ........... $1.35

​                       Dryer Cicle ........... $1.35


​Gym & Spa Key .........................$25


Pool Fob (No charge). If the pool key is lost it is

deactivated and  there is a fee of ...................................$25


4th Avenue Gate Key ...................................................... $2


Storage Room Key : (Access code provided by the Condominium Administration in the office)

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